- Positive Behavior
- Behavior Violations
- Attendance Policy
- Health and Wellness Procedures and Guidelines
- Home and School
- Nutrition Services
- Safety
- Special Services Through the District
- Special Services at Maplewood Heights
- Transportation
- Technology Responsible Use Policy
- Renton School District Important Policies and Procedures
- Student Calendar
Positive Behavior
We use a variety of ways to reinforce positive behavior/choices:
Panther Paws are given to individual students when they are seen following our school expectations. Our Panther Paws give students the opportunity to bring home the bottom part to share with their family why they received the PAW. Once earned, Panther Paws are collected by the classroom teacher and turned in on Fridays for the chance to have their name drawn for a free treat.
Students who go above and beyond in meeting our PAWS expectations are selected by their classroom teachers or specialists to be Student of the Week. These students get their picture taken by the principal/assistant principal. The picture is shared with the school in a weekly slideshow.
We will have times throughout the year when grade levels or the entire school earns extra recesses or other special events.
For Positive Behaviors and Standard School Expectations, see the following pages.
The basic expectations (PAWS) are:
- Practice Safety
- Act Responsibly
- Work Well With Others
- Show Respect
Throughout the school and grounds, we expect that students will:
· Observe safety regulations for walkers, buses, and cars
· Follow directions of the school safety patrol
· Arrive at school and leave school on time
· Use restrooms in a sanitary and socially acceptable manner with respect for other students and for the preservation of the facilities
· Leave all potentially dangerous, distracting, or valuable items at home (ALL toys including toys that look like weapons)
· Enter and leave the building in a quiet, orderly manner
· Follow the directions of teachers and staff members
· Refrain from the use of profanity and obscene gestures
· Keep cell phones off and in backpacks at all times if brought to school (we do not recommend that students bring cell phones to school)
In the cafeteria, we expect that students will:
· Enter the cafeteria in a quiet manner, sit at the assigned location and remain seated while eating
· Talk in a conversational tone to other students sitting nearby
· Clean up after themselves
· Only eat the food that you have brought from home or chosen from hot lunch
· Take no food onto the playground
On the playground, we expect that students will:
· Use playground equipment appropriately
· Share and take turns
· Follow the Maplewood Heights four square expectations
· Play safe games or activities
· Play touch football, basketball, or soccer in the designated areas or fields
· Stay in supervised areas
· Line up quickly and quietly at the end of recess and enter the classroom in an orderly manner
Classroom rules: Classroom rules and disciplinary procedures will be developed in each classroom and shared with parents at the beginning of the year.
Behavior Violations
Maplewood Heights Discipline Documentation
At Maplewood Heights we practice a system of Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS). When school expectations are not followed, teachers are trained to follow protocols for encouraging positive behaviors. When problem behaviors persist, even after expectations have been reviewed and retaught, it may be necessary to document the incident.
Maplewood Heights Elementary School Behavior Violations
When Students Do Not Follow Expectations: In the event a student does not meet school behavior expectations he/she will be individually counseled by school staff/administrators to be sure that they understand behavior expectations and the reasons for them. Next steps will be taken to help the student learn to make better choices, to prevent this behavior from being repeated, and to repair any damage done to relationships. Progressive consequences may include: talk with the teacher/staff/administrator, mediation to repair relationships, time away from an activity or recess if appropriate, conference with parent, or, in rare cases, short term suspension. Parents will be notified.
Classroom Managed Behaviors May Include:
· Disruptive conduct (tantrum, play fighting, hiding, running in the halls, playing in the bathroom, leaving the classroom w/o permission)
· Dress code
· Physical contact (Throwing small items, kick, hit, pinch, poke, push, etc. with no intent to harm)
· Defiance (work refusal, sleeping, off task behaviors, not following directions, refusal to leave playground)
· Disrespect (lying, screaming, yelling)
· Academic dishonesty (plagiarism)
· Property misuse (ripping/breaking classroom supplies such as paper, pencils, crayons, technology misuse)
· Inappropriate language (swearing, name calling, verbal aggression toward student or staff)
Office Managed Behaviors May Include:
· Ongoing classroom managed behaviors (see above)
· Destruction of property (tampering with technology, classroom furniture, books, vandalism, etc.)
· Physical aggression (hitting, kicking, throwing small items at others with the intent to harm & possible minor injury)
· Failure to cooperate (leaving classroom or campus, repeated refusal to come in from recess, repeated defiance/disrespect)
· Sexually inappropriate conduct (inappropriate touch)
· Repeated Disruptive conduct tantrums, play fighting, hiding, running in the halls, playing in the bathroom, leaving the classroom w/o permission)
· Bullying (Harassment, intimidation, and bullying” mean any intentional written message or image, including those that are electronically transmitted, a verbal, or physical act, including, but not limited to, one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, or mental, sensory, or physical disability, or any other distinguishing characteristic, when the intentional written, verbal, or physical act:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property;
- The effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;
- Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
· Fighting without major injury (mutual participation in violence with minor injuries)
Attendance Policy
Our school and district policies are in compliance with the Becca Bill, enacted in 1994, which is Washington’s truancy law. A student is truant when he/she has an unexcused absence. An “unexcused absence” is any absence that has not been communicated to our school via phone or note and does not fall within the following excused reasons that are defined by Washington State Law (WAC). (See below)
The purpose of the Becca Bill is to stop truancy before it becomes a problem. A notice will be sent home after the SECOND unexcused absence so that an attendance conference can be scheduled. It also requires the school district to take legal action if truancy does not diminish after interventions for attendance support have been implemented and agreed upon.
Chronic truancy is associated with declining academic performance and students are at risk of dropping out at an even earlier age. Truancy prevention and intervention efforts protect youth from risk factors and help reduce juvenile delinquency and other related problems. In our efforts to raise the graduation rate by minimizing truancy, we are learning that we need to stress the importance of being at school starting at the elementary level.
Please take the time to look over the State Definitions for an excused absence and always remember to contact our school to communicate any absences within 48 hours of the absence. Call the attendance line at (425) 204 - 4751 to report an absence or send a signed note or email to your child’s teacher containing details of the absence. If you are anticipating your child being absent for vacations, and other reasons that are not excused, you must contact or visit our school office to obtain an Extended Absence Approval Contract. Submission of this form should be at least 1 week before the anticipated absence.
If you have questions about the Becca Bill and/or our absence policies, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you in advance for your support in maximizing learning for our students by minimizing absences!
Statewide definition of excused and unexcused daily absences- WAC 392-400-325
Excused daily absences:
The following are valid excuses for absences from school:
- Participation in a district or school approved activity or instructional program
- Illness, health condition or medical appointment (including, but not limited to, medical, counseling, dental or optometry) for the student or person for who the student is legally responsible
- Family emergency including, but not limited to, a death or illness in the family
- Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction
- Court, judicial proceeding, or serving on a jury
- Post-secondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation, or scholarship interview
- State-recognized search and rescue activities consistent with RCW 28A.225.055
- Absence directly related to the student's homeless status
- Absences related to deployment activities of a parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member consistent with RCW 28A.705.010
- Absence resulting from a disciplinary/corrective action (e.g., short-term or long-term suspension, emergency expulsion); and
- Principal (or designee) and parent, guardian, or emancipated youth mutually agreed upon approved activity.
The school principal (or designee) has the authority to determine if an absence meets the above criteria for an excused absence.
Unexcused daily absences: Any absence from school is unexcused unless it meets one of the criteria above for an excused absence.
Procedures and Guidelines:
Entry Age -
A child entering Kindergarten must be five years of age on or before August 31st of the school year in which he/she enters. Proof of age, with an official state issued birth certificate (no hospital certificates) is required upon registration. See district website for early entrance information.
Leaving School Property -
Children are not allowed to leave school property without written permission from parents.
Snow/Inclement Weather Procedures -
In the event of snow closures, you will receive an automated voice message from the District Office telling you if school is closed for the day OR if school will start 90 minutes late. This information is also on the District website at http://www.rentonschools.us and any radio or television station. Any announcement made applies only to that day. If no mention is made of Renton School District, it means that school is open on our regular schedule. All children will be dismissed at their regular dismissal time on any day we start late. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE for school closure info. Thank you!
Tardy Procedure -
Students who are tardy must report to the office. Parents must accompany late students to the office and fill in the Sign-In Sheet to excuse the tardy.
Updating Student Information/Records -
Please help us to keep our student records up-to-date. If information regarding your child has changed, please let us know. Such information would be a change in employment, phone number, a different person to contact in case of an emergency, or a new babysitter. Your help is needed for your child’s care.
Health and Wellness Procedures and Guidelines
Cold/RAINY Weather Dress
We have an undercover play area and overhangs at the end of each wing for outside play on rainy days. Please, no student umbrellas because of the safety hazard they may present to others. Make sure clothing is appropriate for the weather and consider putting a change of clothes in your student’s backpack.
Common Communicable Diseases
Please notify the school office and the nurse if your child contracts a communicable disease (i.e. Covid 19, flu, norovirus, chicken pox, impetigo, hepatitis, measles, etc.) Confidentiality will be respected, notifying us will help limit the spread of the illness and allow us to communicate potential risk to families of immunocompromised students.
Health Information
Each fall parents are requested to fill out forms which give information of any student health problems. Please keep us informed of any changes in your child’s health and activity restriction.
If your child has environmental allergies, we would appreciate a note from their health care provider, the times of the year they are affected and a description of their typical symptoms.
Please keep your students home if they are ill. In general, your child should stay home from school when these symptoms are present: vomiting, diarrhea, elevated temperature, ear ache, sore throat (especially associated with fever), inflamed or draining eyes, sores or rash (not associated with an allergic reaction).
Returning after Illness
Before your child returns after an illness, please be sure he/she is feeling well enough to participate in the full school program, including recess and physical education. Renton School District’s policy is that the student be free of a fever, has not vomited or had any diarrhea for at least 24 hours without the aid of medication before they return.
Requesting Homework during Illness
When you report your child’s absence to the office please indicate if you would like to pick up homework for them to complete while out. This gives the teacher time to get materials ready. You will need to make arrangements to pick it up after school, or have it brought home with another child.
Washington State law requires that all students, kindergarten through grade twelve, must be fully immunized before they can attend school. Current requirements can be found on the Renton School District website under Immunization Information. For a complete list of vaccine requirements and recommended immunization schedules, please visit Washington Department of Health https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/schools/immunization. When a student lacks full immunization, we require evidence of initiation of the immunization schedule or a completed Certificate of Exemption. Failure to provide this documentation could result in exclusion from school.
Head lice are an occasional annoyance for children in schools. Please check your child’s head every few weeks for signs of lice. It is easier to tackle the issue when lice are found early.
Inspect your child’s head and hair, particularly around the ears and at the nape of the neck. Look for:
• Intense itching, red marks on the scalp
• Tiny oval whitish eggs (nits). Nits are tightly attached to the hair and will not flake off like dandruff or hair product.
To prevent lice, instruct your children not to use anyone else’s combs, brushes, or clothing. Lice do not jump from one person to another and are transmitted only by close contact with persons or articles such as hats, brushes, combs, pillows, coats, etc. which contain the lice or nits on them.
Please inform the office staff at school and request further instructions from your health care provider. It is required that you bring your child to the school office to be checked prior to returning to the classroom. It is also helpful to inform the adults in charge of other children with whom your child has close contact, such as close friends, daycare, and sports teams or youth groups.
For more information, visit:
http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/communicable/diseases/headlice/facts.aspx http://www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Pests/Lice.aspx
Medicines at School
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are allowed at school only when they are in the original container in which they were purchased. All medication, even over the counter such as Tylenol and cough drops, must be registered with the school nurse and kept in the clinic. There must be a written and signed request from the parent/guardian and instructions from the physician or dentist for any medication to be taken at school.
A registered nurse (RN) is available at Maplewood two days per week and alternating Fridays. The nurse is responsible for conducting health screenings, assisting with individual medical concerns, and helping coordinate services between home and other health agencies. All staff are trained to provide first aid. In an emergency, staff will call 911.
Screenings: Vision and Hearing
Vision and hearing screenings are conducted annually for all students, grades K-3 and 5. These screenings do not take the place of professional examinations.
Please contact our Health Service Assistant or School Nurse if you have any questions.
Home and School
If cell phones or smart watches are brought to school they must be kept turned off and in the student’s backpack during the school day. The Renton School District and Maplewood Heights Elementary are not liable or responsible for student cell phones or smart watches.
We ask that the following be honored:
- Shirts must be long enough to cover top of pants – no bare skin showing, underclothing should not be visible (e.g. bra straps or underwear bands). No halter-tops, spaghetti straps, or tank tops with the strap narrower than 1½ inches. Tee shirts should not have any inappropriate words, pictures, or sayings. We do not allow shirts with alcohol, drug, or tobacco product advertisements or clothing with pictures of weapons.
- Bottom of shorts or skirts must reach below fingertips.
- Hats should be taken off when entering the building. Hats can be worn at recess.
This law guarantees parents the right to review school records and control certain uses. Among the provisions are:
- All student records will be made available to parents for review on request.
- Parents will be informed when records are to be released to another school district.
- Parents must give written consent for release of records to any non-school agency.
- Parents may challenge any parts of the contents of the student’s record.
Field Trips
Field trips are a popular extension of our studies. Parents are welcome and encouraged to help with chaperoning students on these outings. Adults interested in volunteering are required to fill out the Volunteer Application and Background Check on the Renton School District Website.
Office and Classroom Phones
Each teacher has a school phone number and voice mail. Student use of phones are limited to emergencies only. Arrangements for after school activities should be made before coming to school. We understand that an occasional emergency may result in the need to communicate a message to your student during school hours—if necessary, please do so before 3:00 p.m.
Homework Policy
Successful people read every day of their lives as it becomes an enjoyable habit. Please build in daily reading time for your children following the expectations below.
Grade |
Reading Expectation |
K |
Read daily to your child or have your child read to you |
1st-3rd Grades |
20 Minutes a day |
4th & 5th Grades |
30 Minutes a day |
In addition, there may be short math assignments from time to time. These assignments are designed to practice and reinforce key skills taught. Completion of homework does not impact grades. Math homework could include:
- Work not finished in class
- Extra practice to meet grade level standards
We encourage you to access iReady, our district-provided online math program, on your home computer or phone. This program is adapted to your child’s skill level and will meet their learning needs and provide challenging next steps. Information on how to access this resource will be provided.
Research indicates that extra homework has minimal if any impact on student achievement. Students need their evening time for unstructured play, dinnertime conversations with their family, and an opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities of their choice. Please see your child’s teacher if you have questions.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences serve a two-fold purpose; a means of mutually sharing information about a child’s development and a way of reporting student progress. Conference is held in November in conjunction with the first trimester report card. Additional conferences may be requested by parents, teachers, and/or the principal at any time during the year to exchange information or to set up a plan to support student success.
Arranging a Conference / Communication
Our teachers use a variety of methods to communicate with you (phone calls, newsletters, chatting with you at dismissal, progress notices, report cards, conferences, etc.). If you need to have a conference with the teacher, principal, or other staff member about your child, we encourage you to do so and we welcome your involvement. We do ask that you call or e-mail to arrange a time that would be convenient for you and the staff member. A pre-scheduled conference allows those involved to gather necessary information and think about your concern. It also means that we have set aside time without interruptions specifically for you.
Directory Information
Federal Law and School District Regulations allow schools to release directory-type information (student name, address, date/place of birth, dates of attendance, awards received, and previous schools) to such agencies as other schools unless parents notify the school of their wishes to the contrary. Information other than Directory Information is considered confidential. From time to time, the Renton School District uses pictures of students in educational publications. Please notify us in writing if you do not want your child’s picture used.
Nutrition Services
School breakfast and lunches are free for the 2022-23 school year. If your student would like a milk to go with their lunch from home or a 2nd milk with their school lunch, it will be $ .50.
School Supplies
The Renton School District will once again provide school supplies for elementary and middle school students. All you will need to provide is a backpack, lunch box and the $30 school supply fee per student. The fee will cover supplies for the full school year. Modified pricing fee of $10 will be available for families who qualify for free and reduced lunch. You may pay for supplies online or in your school office.
Online Payments
To make payments online for your child’s lunch:
Log on to http://www.rentonschools.us
Go to the STUDENTS & FAMILIES tab.
To Log in:
- The User Name will be your student’s ID number.
- The Password will be your student’s last name in ALL CAPS.
When you click on your student’s name you will be given three options. Choose “Products Available.” Choose the category for the item you wish to purchase; money can be added to your student’s lunch fund under District/Nutrition Services. Other options are available; choose ADD TO CART. After adding your products to the cart, you can begin the check-out process.
Child Safety
Be sure to go over the following guidelines with your child:
Go directly to and from school or the bus stop.
- Cross at crosswalks with the safety patrol.
- Walk on the side of the road facing traffic.
- Do not talk to or accept rides from strangers.
- Look up and down the street for cars before crossing.
- Cross only at a corner or crosswalk.
- Never walk between parked cars or buses.
If your child is approached or bothered on the way to or from school have them notify the office immediately.
Parking Lot Safety
See information on Map on page 17.
Safety To and From School
Student safety and appropriate behavior to and from school is the responsibility of the student and his/her parent(s). If needed, the school will intervene if a child’s safety is a concern.
School Safety Drills
The Renton School District requires at least one safety-related drill per month. These drills include:
- Evacuation Drills: ex. Fire Drills
- Earthquake Drill
- Lockout Drills: A Lockout is conducted when something unsafe is happening in the vicinity of the school.
- Shelter-in-Place Drills: used to limit the exposure of students and staff to hazardous materials.
Playground Crisis Situations: Discussed within the classrooms. In the event that a crisis occurs on the playground, students are directed to scatter and run for the nearest open building entrance and go inside for safety.
Vandalism—Help Protect Our School!
If you see or suspect vandalism at the school, please call 911 to report it. Thank you!
State law RCW 9.41.280 states that it is unlawful for any person to carry or possess a dangerous weapon or firearm on public school premises. Firearms/weapons are not allowed in school; at school-sponsored activities; on school grounds or facilities; or on school-provided transportation. If a student brings a firearm/weapon to school, immediate disciplinary action will be taken and both the family and law enforcement will be notified.
The confidential Renton School District weapons hotline is 425-204-2468. Renton School District policy also prohibits laser pens and objects that look like weapons, such as toy guns and toy knives. Students and staff who are aware of weapons on campus are asked to report the information to school authorities.
Special Services Through the District
Child Find
Renton School District Child Find is a developmental screening for children ages 3-5 years old to determine if there is a need for further evaluation for special education services. If you suspect your child (ages 3-5 years old) may have a disability in one or more of the areas listed below, please contact us to set up a developmental screening. Please do not contact us until your child has turned 3 years of age.
- Cognitive (thinking skills)
- Speech/Language
- Adaptive (self-help skills)
- Motor skills
- Social-Emotional/Behavior
Call 425-204-2205 to schedule an appointment.
Preschool Programs at Meadow Crest
The Renton School District has a variety of early learning programs for students 3-5 years old. For more information visit the Meadow Crest website. https://meadowcrest.rentonschools.us/
Special Services at Maplewood Heights
The following is a brief description of the variety of special services available to students at Maplewood Heights Elementary School.
The counselor helps students to improve their self-esteem and/or peer interaction skills. Students are referred by teachers, parents and/or principal.
Multilingual Learners (ML)
Maplewood offers a program of special assistance to students who are non-fluent in the English language. They must qualify through special testing to participate in this program.
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
This state-funded program offers reading support to students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. The children with the greatest needs are served first based on specific assessments. Students may be referred at any time by the classroom teacher. Students receive instruction in addition to the regular classroom reading instruction. LAP Instruction is provided by either a para-educator or certified teacher.
The school nurse is a registered nurse who is responsible for conducting health screenings and notifying parents of the need for further medical evaluation. The nurse assists with individual medical concerns and helps coordinate services between home and other health agencies. The nurse assesses medical problems that arise at school, supervises health room procedures, consults, instructs on health-related issues and is helpful in recommending community resources for a variety of health-related needs. The nurse is available to the school two days each week and is on call for emergency situations.
Physical/Occupational Therapist
A physical or occupational therapist provides therapy for children who qualify for services due to delays with gross or fine motor development.
The school psychologist provides a variety of services including psychological testing to determine a student’s academic and performance levels, classroom observations, parent education, referral to outside agencies, and writing reports to parents and teachers regarding a child’s performance.
Resource Learning Center (RLC)
Specially designed instruction is provided for eligible students in one or more academic/social skills areas in this program.
Speech Language Pathologist
Children with a communication disorder of speech, language, and/or hearing receive therapy from the Speech/Language Pathologist.
After School Dismissal
We ask that parents make arrangements to meet their children at a predetermined pick-up area by the North or South Parking lots or the back gate (see traffic guide, page 18). Parents are asked to not wait in the hallways or the lobby as this creates added congestion when students enter the halls at dismissal time.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, etc.
Because of the safety concerns arising for approximately 600 students in movement at the same time before and after school, the large number of private automobiles coming and leaving our parking areas, and the ever-increasing number of vehicles traveling along Jericho Avenue SE, we have determined that students riding bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades and Heelys to school present an added risk to all concerned. Therefore, students are not allowed to bring bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades or Heelys to school or ride them on school campus during arrival and dismissal times.
Bus Passes
If students need to ride a bus they usually do not ride, or if they are to get off at a different bus stop, a note of explanation signed by a parent must be brought to the office so that a bus pass can be issued.
Bus Riders/Bus Discipline
Students riding buses go directly to the bus loading area at the front of the school. The transportation department provides each student a copy of the rules and regulations regarding student behavior and conduct. They also conduct an emergency safety drill for all students during the year. Students who are identified as the cause of discipline problems at the bus stop or while on board the bus are subject to disciplinary action including suspension from bus services. The transportation department has a multi-step disciplinary process that is followed in each case. If you have questions or have a concern about a problem on the bus or at the bus stop, please contact the Transportation Department at: 425-204-4455.
Emergency Directions
If your child came home from school and you weren’t there, would he/she know where to go and what to do? It is important to discuss this with your child. Situations like this could occur due to school emergency dismissal, parent working overtime, etc. Please take some time to discuss with your child what they should do if this should occur.
School Traffic Safety Expectations
The safety of our students is our top priority. To support safe and efficient pick-up/drop-off procedures, please carefully read the following section and reminders. Thank you for your support.
General Traffic Expectations:
- No cell phone usage (even when parked) to keep drivers alert and traffic moving
- Watch for safety patrol students and students crossing street
- Follow all directions of staff members
- Drive slowly
- Thank you for your patience
Front of School:
- No parking in loading zones (even for a “quick pick-up”)
- Stay in your car while loading/unloading
- Buses always have the right of way
- No left turn from the Primary Zone exit from 8:15-9:00 am and 2:45-3:45 pm
Back of School:
- No parking/blocking the school entrance/gate on 146th Ave SE at back of school (leave 50 ft. of space around gate)
- No U-Turns
Technology Responsible Use Policy
Renton School District Responsible Use Policy (RUP)
Students and Families: PLEASE READ THIS TOGETHER
Statement of Purpose
Renton School District teachers and students use technology and internet-based tools in their classrooms on a regular basis to support student learning and prepare students to engage in the rapidly changing world. These technologies improve student communication and collaboration skills, provide an authentic audience, and extend learning beyond the classroom walls while building digital citizenship skills. Student access to technology requires responsible, courteous, efficient, and legal use. Our goal in providing access to these resources is to enhance learning experiences and to educate students in responsible and appropriate use. It is important that students and parents recognize that information posted on the internet is public, permanent, and needs to be appropriate.
Terms of Agreement
I agree to follow teachers’/building/district instructions when using technology.
- I agree to be polite, considerate, and to use appropriate language.
- I agree to report and/or help prevent any bullying, abuse, or harm of others.
- I agree to tell an adult if I read, see, or access something inappropriate, or if I witness inappropriate use of technology.
- I agree to adhere with all filters and security measures.
- I agree to use technology carefully and to conserve district resources.
- I agree not to share my passwords, except with my teacher or parent/guardian (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA).
- I agree to use only my own files and folders. I will not access another individual’s files and folders without his/her permission.
- I agree not to reveal or post personal information belonging to myself or another person (i.e., passwords, addresses, or telephone numbers).
- I agree to adhere to copyright laws.
- I agree to follow the technology check-out process.
Adhering to Federal, State and, local laws, Renton School District will protect student and employee data. However, I understand that my use of any district technology (computer, network, internet, resources, etc.) will be monitored and is neither private nor confidential to district/authorized personnel. I understand that if I violate this agreement, the district’s policies and procedures, or my student handbook, I may not be allowed to continue to use technology or I may receive other appropriate consequences.
Cross-References/Guiding Reference/ Guiding Policies/ Policies
Board Policy: 2022 Instruction-Technology Resources
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETs standards:
- Creativity and Innovation
- Research and Information Fluency
- Communication and Collaboration
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
Educational Technology Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRS):
- EALR 1- Integration:
- Innovate
- Collaborate
- Investigate and Think Critically
- EALR 2- Digital Citizenship:
- Practice Safety
- Operate Systems
- Select and Use Applications
- Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency)
Renton School District Important Policies and Procedures
Renton School District IMPORTANT Policies and Procedures FOR ALL students and FAMILIES
All policies and procedures of the Renton School District may be found and accessed at the following website: https://www.rentonschools.us/our-district. Click on Policies and Procedures. Please note that we provide annual notice regarding the policies and procedures listed below to all students and families. This document constitutes our annual notice, such that if you have additional concerns or need more information, you may access the most up-to-date information using the link above.
Policy and Procedure 3205 – Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
Policy and Procedure 3207 – Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Policy and Procedure 3210 – Nondiscrimination and Harassment-Free Environment
Policy and Procedure 3240 – Student Conduct Expectations and Reasonable Sanctions
Policy and Procedure 3241 – Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action
Policy and Procedure 4200 – Safe and Orderly Learning Environment
Policy 4210 – Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
Policy 4215 – Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Substances
Instructional Technology Responsible Use Policy (https://www.rentonschools.us/learning-and-teaching/digital-learning/responsible-use-policy)
Renton School District Information
District Office
Knowles Education Center
300 SW 7th St.
Renton, WA 98057
Phone: 425-204-2300
School Board Meetings 2022-2023
Sept. 14 IPAC & Virtual, Sept.28 IPAC & Virtual, Oct. 12 IPAC & Virtual, Oct. 26 IPAC & Virtual, Nov. 9 IPAC & Virtual, Dec.14 IPAC & Virtual, Jan. 11, Jan. 25, Feb. 8, March 8, March 22, April 5, April 26, May 10, May 24, June 7, June 28, July 12, August 9, August 23
Held at 7:00pm at Knolwes Education Center (300 SW 7th St., Renton) in the Board Room or Ikea Performing Arts Center (400 S. 2nd St., Renton) unless otherwise noted (*check website)
Dr. Damien Pattenaude (Superintendent)
Board of Directors:
Ms. Alisa Louie (District 1)
Dr. Avanti Bergquist (President, District 2) (Maplewood Heights Representative)
Ms. Stefanie McIrvin, ED.D (Vice President, District 3)
Ms. Gloria Hodge (District 4)
Ms. Shelby Scovel (District 5)
Student Calendar
The student calendar may be found on the District Calendar page.